
COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS (Updated 5.28.2021)

Showing caution, care, and compassion for others!

Throughout the past year, we have done what we could to protect against exposure or spread of COVID-19 by following CDC health guidelines and national, state, and local government mandates. We also acknowledge that no amount of precautions can guarantee that no one will be exposed. 

We are encouraged by the recent loosening of restrictions and the CDC’s updated guidance that “fully vaccinated people can now resume activities without wearing a mask or physical distancing.” Based on this, we are transitioning our policies in order to allow people to make individual choices based on their situation. 

Respecting that each of us is coming from a unique personal and family situation, we will not be asking you about your vaccination status. We ask that you use your judgment and trust that you will take appropriate actions. As always, we ask that each of us approach this in a spirit of love and care for each other as each of us makes decisions in light of our specific circumstances.  

Regardless of where you are coming from, there is space and grace for you to honor your convictions and needs at Riverbend. If you are hesitant to return, we want to love and minister to you right where you are at, and we would love to have you join our Online Gatherings


Gathering Time
Our gathering is at 10:30AM. 

Masks Optional
Masks are optional for all adults and children in all indoor & outdoor settings.

75% Seating Capacity
We will operate at 75% seating capacity to allow for socially distant seating for those who prefer that.

Kids’ Ministry
Our children are a key part of the Riverbend family, and it is our desire to resume our weekly Foundations ministry to point the next generation to a personal walk with Jesus. While this is our goal, we need servant leaders willing to give of their time to make this a reality! If you are willing to be a part of this team, please email Nicole DeSelm at nicole@riverbendonline.org. For now, we will remain at a once a month schedule.

You’re welcome to mingle indoors or outdoors before and after our Gatherings!

Coffee & Cafe
We will begin providing a limited selection of prepackaged refreshments in the Riverbend Cafe.   

Live Worship & Preaching
We will sing & listen to God’s Word in each of our Gatherings. 

Outside venue 
We are excited to announce an option for those who are more comfortable outside! Starting in June and continuing through September, we will have an outdoor streaming of the gathering available weather permitting.

During communion gatherings, communion will be served in pre-packed containers. 

Family Room 
Kids are always welcome in the Gathering Space! However, for those who feel more comfortable, the Family Room will also be streaming the service in a more relaxed environment. 

We will have baskets available for those who want to give in person. As always, giving is also available by mail, text, or online. Offering baskets will not be passed during the Gathering. 

Our facilities are cleaned & sanitized regularly.

Health Standards
Out of an abundance of caution and care for others, please review the list below and ensure that you can answer “no” to these questions. If you or anyone else in your household is sick, please join us online and return to in-person Gatherings when everyone is fully healthy.

  • In the past 14 days, have you or any member of your household been diagnosed with COVID-19?

  • In the past 14 days, have you or any member of your household knowingly had contact with a person diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID-19?

  • In the past 14 days, have you or any member of your household traveled internationally?

  • In the past 72 hours, have you or any member of your household had a fever over 100.4°F?

  • In the past 72 hours, have you or any member of your household experienced coughing, shortness of breath, or other recognized symptoms of COVID-19?

We are so thankful for you, Riverbend! Christ’s love and kindness have shown through you over the past year of adjustment and uncertainty. Please reach out if you have any questions!

- Your Riverbend Leadership Team