election 2020

Jesus: The Only Winning Choice


As November 3rd rapidly approaches, election tension continues to rise all through the Lehigh Valley, the state of Pennsylvania, and our entire nation.  Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram only magnify this tension as opinions, debates, and arguments escalate.  Sadly, our nation has never been more divided.  We alienate our neighbors with insults and look to cancel any opinion that doesn’t align with our perspective.  This is all rooted in fear of what might happen if the person we didn’t vote for is elected into the temporary position of President. 

These strong emotions and allegiance to a candidate or party are something I can relate to and have experienced myself.  When I was in high school, I became increasingly interested and involved in the political world.  Each day, I paid attention to headlines and absorbed opinion-oriented programming on both tv and radio.  My passion for my ideology began to grow, and my identity was being shaped by my political persuasion.  I joined the debate team, mock trial competition, and launched a political organization in my high school.  My classmates voted me most likely to become a politician.  Daily, I was looking for an argument and a chance to show others how wrong they were for their point of view. Soon, I joined a local political party, aspired to working in politics, and wanted to host my own opinion talk show.  In college, I earned my degree in political science. 

Yet even as I was feeding my political identity, I was facing some very serious challenges in my life.  There were difficulties in my family, frustrations at work, and unresolved emotional issues within me.  I found that nothing in the political world could bring me any lasting joy and peace.  The more time I spent in politics, I was exposed to how truly self-absorbed it can be.  I saw that those who I had placed on a pedestal were only human.  That many had lives that were inconsistent with their views, and that even those with whom I agreed, in many cases, were dishonest and self-seeking.  None of these people who I had once admired could help me with the pain and difficulty I was facing on a daily basis. 

Through a painful series of events, I finally hit rock-bottom.  I saw that there was no lasting hope or fulfillment in the political world, that I needed a greater love.  Thankfully, God began to open my eyes to how much he really loves me.  That through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection I could belong to him - no matter what my political beliefs.  He desired to be my source of validity and purpose.  I was invited to be a part of a kingdom that would last forever, and I could know God as a father.  

This dramatically changed my perspective and transformed my entire life.  It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.  I could come to my heavenly Father with my pain, struggles, and difficulties; I could know him more.  I was experiencing his unconditional love.  This brought me such joy!  My eyes were opened to the reality that nothing in the political world can bring true healing and freedom to the heart.  I understood just how much Jesus loves me.  This is what I wanted everyone to know. 

God began changing my heart and filling it with his love.  My happiness is no longer dependent on how political events are unfolding.  Those who disagree with me are my friends; I can better understand their viewpoint.  More importantly, God revealed to me how much he loves them and how he wants me to love them as well.  This has improved all my relationships; I could have friendly disagreements and prioritize relationships high above any argument.

As Jesus transformed my life, it didn’t mean I no longer had strong opinions, but that I placed them under his authority.  I made knowing him and loving others more important than winning arguments.  My eyes have been opened to the fact that my greatest hope and joy in life will never come from any elected official.  Yes, I have been disappointed in the outcome of elections; however, I have been more empowered by God’s goodness and faithfulness no matter who may be in office for the time.

By seeking to know Jesus daily and allowing him to make us who he desires, we can put our political opinions and desires under his authority.  Jesus came so that we could have life to the full (John 10:10). He commands us to love one another the way that he loved us (John 13:34).  The unbelieving world sees the church as being too political.  What message would it send if we were loving them and each other the way that Jesus did?  If grace, compassion, and forgiveness were flowing from each of us? That the eternal light of Christ was shining brighter in us, then the momentary flicker of man-made political “power”?

Jesus is the Lord of all, no matter who wins this election.  His love and promises will last forever; his kingdom will never end.  You may be excited or disappointed by who becomes president this November.  I understand that these are strong feelings and emotions.  Let me invite you to bring them to Jesus. Share with him that you’re angry, frustrated, and discouraged.  I promise he will walk beside you and show you his love.  This will change you.  He will be your rock, comfort, and joy if you will allow him.  He will give you his peace.  This is a peace that you will have no matter what.  Even if your candidate “wins”, Jesus will show you that he has secured for you a far greater victory at the cross.  Your eyes will be opened to the limitations of the political world, and he will help you see those you disagree with through his loving eyes.  The promises of God do not depend on the results of elections.  The love of your heavenly Father for you is far greater than your local congressman.

Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will remain in the name of the Lord our God.”  To rephrase for election day, “Some trust in Donald Trump, some in Joe Biden, but we will remain in the name of Lord our God.”  Now that is real victory!