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Sister-Up is a helpful tool for women within the Riverbend community who are looking for a way to grow in their relationship with God and their community. Sister-Up is an intentional process that provides the foundation for lasting connections and friendships that will seek to understand, encourage, and point the participants towards Christ.

Relating authentically is one of the core values of Riverbend Community Church and our team looks forward to connecting you with other women of God! Our mission is to encourage women through intentional relationships, shared life experience, and personal growth in Christ.




Participants of Sister-Up are paired up with one ‘Discipler’ and one ‘Disciplee.’ These two ladies meet at least twice a month at a time, place, and way that works best for them. They will study the Bible, serve, and just have some fun together!



In Sister-Up, a Disciplee is a woman who is looking to be poured into and wants to grow in her relationship with Christ! The requirements of a Disciplee are:

-       Willing to commit to meeting a minimum of twice a month for the round of Sister-Up (typically around 12 months)

In Sister-Up, a Discipler is a woman who takes the initiative to make sure that she and her Disciplee are meeting together and growing together in Christ. The requirements of a Discipler are:

- Committed believer of Christ who desires to point other women to Christ

- Member of Riverbend Community Church

- Willing to commit to meeting a minimum of twice a month for the round of Sister-Up (typically around 12 months), as well as attend a specific training session for Disciplers.


All women interested in participating in this round of Sister-Up will need to fill out an application (even if you have participated before) and save the date of May 15th for a kick-off event at Christy Hanna’s house (this is not required, but is HIGHLY encouraged)! See all dates for Sister-Up below.

For Disciplees, participation will require being committed to meeting with your Discipler at least twice a month, but this can be in any form! In-person, at the park while your kids play, video chat, etc. It all works! These “meetings” don’t have to be formal, sit-down times either. We want to encourage our pairings to not only do Bible study together, but also serve together and have fun together. It’s up to you! We do ask that Disciplees being committed to whatever type of Bible study you decide on with your Discipler and to pursue Christ whole heartedly!

For Disciplers, participation will require being committed to meeting with your Disciplee at least twice a month, but this can be in any form! In-person, at the park while your kids play, video chat, etc. It all works! These “meetings” don’t have to be formal, sit-down times either. We want to encourage our pairings to not only do Bible study together, but also serve together and have fun together. It’s up to you! We also understand that as a Discipler, you have a bit more responsibility within your pairing. We want to support you in any way possible! We will be hosting once a month meetings exclusively for our Disciplers in which Christy and Katie will go through some basics of our faith to help equip you in your discipleship pursuits. We know that you have busy lives and these meetings will not be required, but are VERY STRONGLY encouraged. Additionally, either Christy or Katie will reach out to you at least once a month to offer support and see how you are doing personally.


May 11th, 2021 : Deadline to Sign-Up for Sister-Up

May 15th, 2021 @ 6:30pm : Sisters and Smores (Official kick-off!)

TBD: Monthly meetings for Disciplers with Katie and Christy

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Katie Casamassa at


CLICK HERE for an optional list of discipleship resources!


*Please note that the information you share on this form is considered confidential and will not be shared beyond the Sister Up facilitators and the pastors of Riverbend Community Church.