Sunday Gatherings

Regardless of where you are coming from, Riverbend Offers a space and grace for you, YouR friends and family to come in worship among your local church body!

Gatherings are held Sunday at 9 AM and 11 AM

Service is LIVE streamed on YouTube at 11 AM



Come as you are

Riverbend’s atmosphere is laid back and informal. We invite you to dress exactly how you normally would.

Services run approximately 60-75 minutes. Wheelchair accessible parking spots are available in the lot at the side entrance.

Visit the Cafe

Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Water and various snacks are available for FREE prior to the service. Come here to mingle and socialize before and after services.

Sensory bins are also available in the Cafe area for use anywhere in the church building. The service is also LIVE streamed in the Cafe Sunday mornings.

Live Worship & Preaching

We sing and listen to God’s Word at each of our Gatherings.

1-3 contemporary worship songs are played at the beginning of the service and 1 at the end before the service is dismissed.

Past and current sermons can be viewed here.

Offering & Communion

Baskets are passed around during each service for those who want to give in person. As always, giving is also available by mail, text, or online.

Communion Gatherings typically occur once a month. Communion is served in pre-package containers.

Kids Church

Our Foundations Kids program happens Sundays at 9 and 11AM. At 9AM we offer Foundations for ages 6 months through kindergarten. At 11am we offer Foundations for 6 months old through 5th grade.

1st-5th grade will worship with everyone in the large gathering space before being dismissed to their classrooms.

Click here for more info about Foundations Kids Ministry.

The Family Room

The Family Room is an inclusive sensory friendly space equipped with couches, fidgets, proprioceptive and sensory items. Open to anyone and everyone who may need an alternative space to watch the service - from kids to adults.

Both the Cafe and Family Room LIVE stream the service Sunday mornings.

Unable to make it on Sunday?

We would love to have you join our Online Gatherings on Riverbend’s YouTube Channel.