Growing in Faith: Joey Firth's Story

At Riverbend, we are deeply grateful for and encouraged by the college students who call Riverbend their school year church home, as well as those who have grown up here and come home on breaks. We love what God is doing through this generation and through Cru in the Lehigh Valley, and thought you would be encouraged to hear the story of Joey Firth, as shared at the Cru Vision dinner this Spring.


My life has been one of perpetual change as I have been swept around the world by my missionary parents. Yet amidst the constant change, my parents have faithfully taught me the Christian message. However, as I grew older I searched for something that would satisfy the nagging thirst in my heart. Matters were complicated further by my skeptical mind, which struggled to believe the Gospel without apologetics. It was only at the end of my first college semester that I had seen enough evidence to appease my head, but something else had to happen in my heart. In an undramatic way, God placed in me a mustard seed of faith that Jesus was the person I had been searching for. Despite my lingering questions, I build my life on the belief that I am broken at the core, that I need forgiveness for my prodigal life, and that Jesus has freely given it to me.

That first semester was only the beginning. Indeed, God did not transform me in an instant but has been transforming me throughout my college career. After a tentative email, I soon found myself in the Goose sandwich shop with Ed and the Cru student president, Austen. I was immediately drawn to the affection and selflessness of Ed. Austen, however, made me wonder what I was getting myself into. Yet my fears were soon erased and I was awed by this community of people who cared so much for each other and even more about their Father in heaven. In this environment, God took my brooding heart curved inward on itself, and slowly shifted my focus to love the people around me.

God’s work in me did not stop there. For the past two spring breaks, I have been challenged to attend Cru’s Panama City Beach evangelism conference. When I was first instructed to go start spiritual conversations with strangers, you can imagine my emotions: fear, self-doubt, and a deep desire to just go home. Yet through the experience, I have been able to practice gently but firmly sharing the Gospel, while leaving the results up to God. Not only has the exercise deepened my faith, but I have also been able to support younger students sharing their beliefs for the first time.

Aside from events, the hardest part of my life in Cru has been my role as student president for the past two years. The hardest parts have been speaking up front and taking the lead when someone has to, all the while yearning to keep the spotlight on Jesus instead of myself. These challenges have humbled me by revealing just how deep my selfishness goes, but have also encouraged me by reminding me of the grace that covers it all.

As I soon graduate and enter the “real world”, I step faithfully into it because of Cru’s impact on my college life. All of the experiences I mentioned and more have taught me what it is to live out practical Christianity. Most crucial has been the men and women of Cru who have guided and discipled me, helping my little mustard seed of faith to grow. Truly, the passionate love of God through his people in Lehigh Cru has changed my life, both in my college years and, Lord-willing, in the years to come.