True Freedom is Found in Dependence

This time of year, we celebrate the liberty and freedom that we often take for granted as Americans.  We gather together for picnics, fireworks, and tributes for those who have laid down their lives so that we might enjoy life in the United States.  Yet even in the land of the free, many struggle with depression, anxiety, and isolation.  Still others are overwhelmed by the demands and burdens of their lives.  We find ourselves held captive by the illusion that we are self -made.  Our attempts to find freedom in our isolation leave us feeling frustrated, discouraged, and overwhelmed.  We don’t find true freedom until we fully recognize that what we are pursuing is not found in ourselves.  It is found in a dependence on Christ, and on one another.  

Rugged individualism is one of the strengths and weaknesses of our nation.  There is a strong belief that we make ourselves by our hard work and positive choices.  While there is some truth to that principle, we still fall far short of the eternal freedom that we find in Christ.  Jesus said that when we follow him and obey his teachings we are like a wise man who built his house upon a rock. When the ferocious waves of trials, struggles, and hardship beat against the house it was able to withstand it.  Yet when we do not follow Jesus and his teachings, we are like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand.  When the waves of life’s difficulties beat against it. It suffered a mighty, mighty, crash (Matthew 7:24-27).   Jesus also taught us that who he, as the son of God, sets free by his death, burial, and resurrection is truly free (John 8:36).  This freedom we find in Christ invites us to share our difficulties, frustrations, and hardships with our heavenly Father.  We do not have to carry the challenges and burdens of our lives on our own.  Jesus promises to give lasting rest to all who are weary and heavy laden. (Matthew 11:28-30).

So that we can live in the full freedom and liberty we find in Jesus’ death and resurrection he commands us to love each other the way that he has loved us (John 13:34-35).  This means to sacrifice ourselves in all of our relationships.  Our sacrifices can come in a variety of ways.  From listening to serving, prayer and words of encouragement we can connect to one another.  We’re also carrying each other’s burdens and fulfilling the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).  This brings us closer together. We are refreshed when we share our burdens and when we carry the burdens of others.  Jesus promised that this world would know that we are his followers by the way we love each other (John 13:35).  

By living in dependence on Christ and loving one another we will find true and lasting freedom.  This freedom far exceeds any we could obtain in our strength and circumstances.  Let’s never forget that Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).