I'm Thankful for... Week 3

As we are in our current sermon series for the month of November, “Thank you for _____, A Journey Through the Psalms of Thanksgiving” and approach Thanksgiving, we want to set our minds on gratitude. This is the final week of “I’m thankful for…” posts. Read on to hear what members of our Riverbend community are thankful for at this time.


“This season, I’m thankful for every morning I’m able to open my eyes to receive God’s undeserving mercy, grace, and love. I’m also thankful for my loving family and friends.”

Liz Bell


“When I take time to reflect on my day, my life, the lives of our family and others, it is clear that God has freely given so many undeserved gifts, blessings and lessons in both the big things and the daily details. I do not have the words to express my immeasurable thankfulness to Him, so I choose to try to live my life as a living thank you note.”

Laura Cotes


“I’m thankful for my husband and beautiful girls. I’m thankful for this church community, and how helping my husband in full time ministry has grown my walk with the Lord. I’m thankful that I will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister this year— something we have only been able to do once since 2009!

Samantha Dean


I am so thankful for how this community has rallied around my family and I as we journey through cancer. The notes of encouragement, the unexpected meal, the random gift card in the mail; all of it has made this journey less challenging. While cancer has challenged and grown our faith, our Riverbend family brought much joy amidst the adversity. We reflect on Psalm 16 and remain thankful for His perfect, healing presence.”

Michael De Selm


“I am thankful for Keith Kaeppel and his efforts towards the teen group he has been working with.”

Xander De Selm    


“I am thankful for my beautiful wife, Rebecca. She is such a loving, caring, kind, and wonderful wife and mother. She is a blessing to my boys and me. We are most thankful for her.

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Proverbs 31:10 NIV”

Ryan Geoffroy


“I am thankful for my amazing wife and my two special sons. I am truly blessed with such a wonderful family. I am also very grateful for our church. It is a tremendous community, and it’s a blessing to see God at work as He continues to grow and refine each of us. I am also beyond thankful and in awe of the work our Lord completed on the cross, so we could be reconciled to Him.”

Brian Harris


“I am thankful for my rockstar husband and our two little boys, who each teach me so much, push me to grow and encourage me every day. I’m thankful for community, and the way this church “one anothers” each other in the good and in the hard. And I’m thankful for one perfect, immutable God who loves us and is faithful to complete the work He started.”

Erin Harris


“I am thankful for ideas jotted down on paper napkins. And warm tea on cold days. That God paints a new sky every morning and evening. That we don’t need to form words or thoughts to say a prayer. I’m thankful for things like grocery pick up. And rainy days. And trees going dormant, reminding us that rest is essential and a God-given rhythm. I’m thankful for family tickle fights and toddler belly laughs. And friends. And music. And mint chocolate ice cream. And for a God who knows my heart and gives me an undercurrent of joy, and reminds me to hope, even on days when I’m less than thankful.”

Grace Ross