
I'm Thankful for... Week 3

As we are in our current sermon series for the month of November, “Thank you for _____, A Journey Through the Psalms of Thanksgiving” and approach Thanksgiving, we want to set our minds on gratitude. This is the final week of “I’m thankful for…” posts. Read on to hear what members of our Riverbend community are thankful for at this time.


“This season, I’m thankful for every morning I’m able to open my eyes to receive God’s undeserving mercy, grace, and love. I’m also thankful for my loving family and friends.”

Liz Bell


“When I take time to reflect on my day, my life, the lives of our family and others, it is clear that God has freely given so many undeserved gifts, blessings and lessons in both the big things and the daily details. I do not have the words to express my immeasurable thankfulness to Him, so I choose to try to live my life as a living thank you note.”

Laura Cotes


“I’m thankful for my husband and beautiful girls. I’m thankful for this church community, and how helping my husband in full time ministry has grown my walk with the Lord. I’m thankful that I will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister this year— something we have only been able to do once since 2009!

Samantha Dean


I am so thankful for how this community has rallied around my family and I as we journey through cancer. The notes of encouragement, the unexpected meal, the random gift card in the mail; all of it has made this journey less challenging. While cancer has challenged and grown our faith, our Riverbend family brought much joy amidst the adversity. We reflect on Psalm 16 and remain thankful for His perfect, healing presence.”

Michael De Selm


“I am thankful for Keith Kaeppel and his efforts towards the teen group he has been working with.”

Xander De Selm    


“I am thankful for my beautiful wife, Rebecca. She is such a loving, caring, kind, and wonderful wife and mother. She is a blessing to my boys and me. We are most thankful for her.

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Proverbs 31:10 NIV”

Ryan Geoffroy


“I am thankful for my amazing wife and my two special sons. I am truly blessed with such a wonderful family. I am also very grateful for our church. It is a tremendous community, and it’s a blessing to see God at work as He continues to grow and refine each of us. I am also beyond thankful and in awe of the work our Lord completed on the cross, so we could be reconciled to Him.”

Brian Harris


“I am thankful for my rockstar husband and our two little boys, who each teach me so much, push me to grow and encourage me every day. I’m thankful for community, and the way this church “one anothers” each other in the good and in the hard. And I’m thankful for one perfect, immutable God who loves us and is faithful to complete the work He started.”

Erin Harris


“I am thankful for ideas jotted down on paper napkins. And warm tea on cold days. That God paints a new sky every morning and evening. That we don’t need to form words or thoughts to say a prayer. I’m thankful for things like grocery pick up. And rainy days. And trees going dormant, reminding us that rest is essential and a God-given rhythm. I’m thankful for family tickle fights and toddler belly laughs. And friends. And music. And mint chocolate ice cream. And for a God who knows my heart and gives me an undercurrent of joy, and reminds me to hope, even on days when I’m less than thankful.”

Grace Ross

I'm Thankful for... Week 2

As we continue our sermon series for the month of November, “Thank you for _____, A Journey Through the Psalms of Thanksgiving” and approach Thanksgiving, we want to set our minds on gratitude. Read on to hear what members of our Riverbend community are thankful for at this time. And if you haven’t shared your own response, click here to submit yours!


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Empathy. Patience. Endurance. Strength. Wisdom. None of these grow out of circumstances where I get what I want, when and how I want it. These qualities often develop out of uncomfortable, if not painful, situations. I am thankful for the mixed blessing of adversity. Even if a particular chapter in life becomes ugly, there is a hope and an understanding that God can and will teach me important lessons in these circumstances.”

Sonia Albright

“As we head into the holidays, I’ve been reflecting on and thankful for our Emmanuel - God With Us. In addition, I’m so thankful for an amazing husband and family, a job that give me purpose and provides, and to be very close to finishing grad school!”

Katie Casamassa

“I am thankful for our church pastors and elders as they shepherd and lead our church toward Jesus! I am thankful for good deep friendships, children to raise, and the (few) quiet moments I get to reflect on God's goodness! I am also thankful for leftover Halloween candy, for what that's worth. :-)”

Christy Hanna

“I am thankful for everything. I know that might sound like I am being sarcastic or facetious, but at the core of that statement is deep trust in God. I’ve seen His favor, kindness, and compassion in every area of my life. And yes, the hardships in my life are very hard, but it’s when I can see God working the most, when I can hear Him the loudest, and feel His peace and comfort in tangible ways, and so again, I am thankful for it all. It goes without saying, that I am thankful for my family, my husband, children, friends, and church…they inspire, motivate, and influence me in ways only they can and for that I am grateful. Happy Thanksgiving, all.” 

Kyle Lara

“I'm very grateful for my family and friends in my life. I’m also beyond grateful for having a job with some amazing bosses—they are my second family. Blessing y'all for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!”

Julia Larkin

“I’m thankful for the ability to read God's Word to learn about Him and for opportunities to serve alongside the church. I’m thankful for music, dancing, and fun times with family. I’m also thankful for good conversation, hospitality, and time spent with friends.”

Tabitha Lewis

“I’m thankful for God and the stuffies and the room and everything and my bed and my books and my mirrors!”

Abigail McDaniel

“I’m thankful for Love (favorite stuffed animal).”

Kaitlin McDaniel

“I am thankful for my wife, Amy, and my son, Ray. They bring so much joy to my life. I am also thankful for Riverbend community and the ways they display living for Jesus and loving the Valley and world.”

Pastor Joe Velarde

I'm Thankful for... Week 1

As we enter our sermon series for the month of November, “Thank you for _____, A Journey Through the Psalms of Thanksgiving” and approach Thanksgiving, we want to set our minds on gratitude. Read on to hear what members of our Riverbend community are thankful for at this time. And if you haven’t shared your own response, click here to submit yours!


“I'm thankful for the promise that God "redeems your life from the pit" (Psalm 103:4). The unchangeable God changes us from season to season. That despair can turn to hope, sickness into health, frustration into thriving, the sinner into a child of God. Thank you, God, that with you our "weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5).” 

Drew Dolan

“I am thankful that I live in a global society, where I know about, can care about, and be cared for by people all over the world that God’s love is available to, and His church is active in every corner of His creation!  No matter where I go, it’s likely that I know somebody or at least have several degrees of connection that can be uncovered. For me that has happened recently in Seattle, Montana, and Haiti.  I’ve watched it happen to dear friends as they traversed the globe in Qatar and Kenya. I am reminded that I am never alone. God’s people are everywhere, so I have family to get to know wherever I go.”

Rebecca Escott

“Thankful for God's provision for all my needs and more. Thankful for God's unfailing promises. Lastly, incredibly thankful for my new husband and my small group for providing godly encouragement, support, and friendship. I have a lot to be thankful for. :)”

Ashley Gorla

“I’m thankful that I can pick up litter at church with Owen, for spending time with Mommy, and Daddy, and Owen; and I’m thankful for my toys.”

Ellis Harris

“I’m thankful for my family, that I can go out and see my garbage men each week, my toys, and that we can go to the beach in the summer.”

Owen Harris

“I’m thankful for my family.”

Kim LaScala

“I'm thankful for the lessons and strength I had this year. And for another beautiful blessing in my family to come!

Emerald Rainey

“I am very thankful for this thing called life. My dear family, my sweet, faithful friends, my pastors who bless me continually. Through trials and learning to trust. I love this life I've been given and the ones who walk beside me. Blessed!”

Monica Tramontina

A Wife Who Models Jesus!

“I am so thankful for my beautiful wife Andrea.  Each day for the past 8 years she has been a true reflection of Jesus.  To me and our three children, Andrea is giving, loving, serving, and self-sacrificing.  I’m overjoyed to be married to someone who walks with such grace and humility.  Her passion for building God’s kingdom in our home is inspiring.  This kind of love brings out the best in each of us—what an awesome gift from our Heavenly Father.” 

Jesse Velarde

Thankful for 2020


2020 has been quite a year.  Because of COVID, shutdowns, and online learning, it’s 12 months many of us would rather forget.  In fact, the challenges we’re facing have led many to lose hope and declare defeat many months ago.  However, there are also those who are still filled with joy in spite of these circumstances, and who press on with confident expectation in spite of frustrating trials.  Those who recognize the difficulty of this life and yet are not shaken.  What has empowered these individuals?  What is the fuel in their fire?  How are they still pressing on? And most importantly, is this something that each of us can take hold of? 

We find our answer the fourth Thursday of November each year as we stop, pause, and celebrate Thanksgiving.  Yet Thanksgiving is SO much more than an annual tradition. It is a heartfelt expression of gratitude to God from a deep heart of humility.  When we see Thanksgiving as a way of life and not just a turkey, we gain a closer connection with our heavenly Father, as we are reminded of His love and faithfulness. This relationship fills us with joy as we face the struggles, disappointments, and anxiety of our lives, confident that God is with us, for us, and that He is over all. 

Thanksgiving is a recognition and appreciation of something that God has done.  It is a declaration of appreciation for who God is.  It is celebrating God’s provision.  Each day we are provided with many opportunities to give thanks. From the grace God gives us to start each day, to the blessings of our loved ones, to all that Jesus endured so that we could be part of the family of God, and that is just a start. 

When we do this, we recognize our limitations.  We see that we did not bring about the blessings of our lives in our own strength.  Our eyes are opened to the reality that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 No longer do I have to depend on myself, circumstances, or others to find confidence and hope.  This gives me such joy.  It is so good to know how small I am and how great He is. 

And yet sometimes I allow myself to become distracted and discouraged.  In recent weeks, unexpected circumstances and events beyond my control have shifted my focus away from God and magnified my frustrations.  As my heart and mind were flooded with irritation and despair, I lost sight of the joy which Christ has provided.

A lifestyle of thanksgiving doesn’t mean that we can’t feel angry, disappointed, or frustrated.  Instead, it reminds us of how God has walked with us in similar circumstances in the past.  That He has helped us, that He has provided, that He has never failed.  Remembering His faithfulness in the past deepens our trust in Him.  We go to Him with our fears, cares, and worries, and another door is opened for Him to show us his goodness. We strengthen our dependence on Him.

The apostle Paul, writing from a jail cell, encourages us to “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING present your requests to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:4-7, emphasis added).

A lifestyle of thanksgiving is rejoicing in the Lord always.  It isn’t rejoicing only when things go our way.  We are celebrating how He is with us no matter the circumstances.  This empowers us to come to Him thankful for who He is and what He’s done. We can tell Him how much we appreciate the gifts He’s given us.  This gives us more confidence to share our needs with the One who loves us the most. It also blesses His heart as He sees us not turning to the lesser things of this world to find comfort, meaning, and identity, but to Him.

So how can we be purposeful in thanksgiving? Something practical that has helped me is using the notepad on my phone to write down blessings.  I’m so encouraged as I look back and see all of God’s gifts and expressions of His love toward me. 

Social media can be another great avenue to express our gratitude to God and others.  It is so refreshing to see thanksgiving and appreciation on platforms like Facebook instead of insults and opinions.  This is in addition to picking up the phone, sending a card, or letting someone know in person how much you appreciate what they’ve done and who they are. 

When we make the daily effort to live a life of thanksgiving, we constantly remind ourselves that God is with us.  That He is where our hope and strength is found, and we can walk victoriously through any storm we may face.