
I'm Thankful for... Week 1

As we enter our sermon series for the month of November, “Thank you for _____, A Journey Through the Psalms of Thanksgiving” and approach Thanksgiving, we want to set our minds on gratitude. Read on to hear what members of our Riverbend community are thankful for at this time. And if you haven’t shared your own response, click here to submit yours!


“I'm thankful for the promise that God "redeems your life from the pit" (Psalm 103:4). The unchangeable God changes us from season to season. That despair can turn to hope, sickness into health, frustration into thriving, the sinner into a child of God. Thank you, God, that with you our "weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5).” 

Drew Dolan

“I am thankful that I live in a global society, where I know about, can care about, and be cared for by people all over the world that God’s love is available to, and His church is active in every corner of His creation!  No matter where I go, it’s likely that I know somebody or at least have several degrees of connection that can be uncovered. For me that has happened recently in Seattle, Montana, and Haiti.  I’ve watched it happen to dear friends as they traversed the globe in Qatar and Kenya. I am reminded that I am never alone. God’s people are everywhere, so I have family to get to know wherever I go.”

Rebecca Escott

“Thankful for God's provision for all my needs and more. Thankful for God's unfailing promises. Lastly, incredibly thankful for my new husband and my small group for providing godly encouragement, support, and friendship. I have a lot to be thankful for. :)”

Ashley Gorla

“I’m thankful that I can pick up litter at church with Owen, for spending time with Mommy, and Daddy, and Owen; and I’m thankful for my toys.”

Ellis Harris

“I’m thankful for my family, that I can go out and see my garbage men each week, my toys, and that we can go to the beach in the summer.”

Owen Harris

“I’m thankful for my family.”

Kim LaScala

“I'm thankful for the lessons and strength I had this year. And for another beautiful blessing in my family to come!

Emerald Rainey

“I am very thankful for this thing called life. My dear family, my sweet, faithful friends, my pastors who bless me continually. Through trials and learning to trust. I love this life I've been given and the ones who walk beside me. Blessed!”

Monica Tramontina

A Wife Who Models Jesus!

“I am so thankful for my beautiful wife Andrea.  Each day for the past 8 years she has been a true reflection of Jesus.  To me and our three children, Andrea is giving, loving, serving, and self-sacrificing.  I’m overjoyed to be married to someone who walks with such grace and humility.  Her passion for building God’s kingdom in our home is inspiring.  This kind of love brings out the best in each of us—what an awesome gift from our Heavenly Father.” 

Jesse Velarde